Hello and welcome to our Pollards May Update blog! This is our second update blog and we hope you like this sort of content. In this blog will be talking about what we have been doing in the last few weeks and what we hope to see in the month of May.
What have we done in the last month:
The London Coffee Festival
In April, Pollards attended the London Coffee Festival! We like to keep up to date on what is happening in the world of coffee and this event was fantastic for doing just that!
We attended the trade day on Thursday 12th April. At the festival there were various coffee related exhibits showcasing products, a huge variety of artisan coffees, displays showcasing barista skills, roasters and much more. Not limited to just coffee, there were stands for various teas, smoothies, ice cream, food and alcohol too, but all aimed at cafes or the hospitality sectors.
It was a good opportunity for us at Pollards to see what is happening in the industry as a whole, and see what everyone else is predicting will be the new trends for 2018/2019. We did a prediction back in the new year and were interested to see how this matched up to the general opinion.
Cold brew featured prominently, as did other summer cafe beverages and products such as ice cream machines and coffee cocktails for the evenings. Other trends spotted were centred around sustainable coffee, everything from organic to recycling and compostable products.
We attended a few talks that were at the event, which gave a good insight into how different businesses approach the same industry and heard about new research and studies taking place around the UK and beyond.
Going to events helps to keep us up-to-date and therefore competitive, it gives us a chance to speak to our competitors and customers alike in a friendly environment. Everybody is enthusiastic about the industry and you can learn so much from the coffee community.
Over the last few weeks we have been giving the barista training room, here at the Pollards Roastery, a fresh coat of paint and a bit of TLC. Work is still ongoing to get the room set up again but its a great excuse for a spring clean! We are opening up another room inside the roastery which until recently was a storage space, this will be a good expansion of useable space for us and our visitors.
Whats next for May?
We have heard all about April, so whats next for May?
This month starts with the early May bank holiday weekend now, which means the staff over in the roastery are currently very busy in the run up to the long weekend. We always see an influx of orders around bank holidays so its all hands on deck to supply our customers with fantastic coffee. May is extra busy because we have the Spring bank holiday weekend too! Our hard working staff who roast and pack your coffee day after day are looking forward to a few days of R&R.
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Speak soon!
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